Today He Who Is Untouched In Essence
Nikifor Kuzmin
Let My Prayer Be Set Forth: The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (2 CDs)
Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St Sergius Monastery
Today He Who Hung the Earth
Vladimir Morosan, arr.
With the Voice of the Archangel: Orthodox Liturgical Solos, Duets, and Trios
Archangel Voices
Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow
Vladimir Gorbik
Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow
Vladimir Gorbik
Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow
Vladimir Gorbik
Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow
Vladimir Gorbik
Thy Bridal Chamber
Holy Russia: Hymns of Great Lent and Pascha (2 CDs)
Church Choir of "Joy of All the Sorrowful"
Thy Bridal Chamber
Unison, arr. Morosan, Archangelsky,
With the Voice of the Archangel: Orthodox Liturgical Solos, Duets, and Trios
Archangel Voices
Thursday Kanon Ode 9
By the Waters of Babylon: Hymns of Great Lent
Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery and Moscow Sacred Academy and Seminary