The Litany of Fervent Supplication
Serbian Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Dragoslav Pavle Aksentyevich

The kings of the earth have assembled
Saint John Koukouzelis
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Dragoslav Pavle Aksentyevich

The Image of Thy Pure Nativity, Tone 1
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir

The heavens declare the glory of God, Tone 1
Anonymous (13th C.)
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Dragoslav Pavle Aksentyevich

Sisters of the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery; Yekaterinburg
Mother Judith (Iudif)

The Great Litany
Zakaria Paliashvili: Georgian Sacred Chants for the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
The Capitol Hill Chorale

The Grace of Holy Spirit
Serbian Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Brotherhood Choir of Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel Monastery

The Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven
Anonymous Znamenny Chant
Thou Who Art Filled With Light
Festal Choir of the Most Gracious Savior Monastery: Yekaterinburg