Lamentations, Stasis 3
Byzantine (Antiochian; Romanian; Greek)
Lamentations; Orthodox Chants of Holy Week
Archangel Voices

Lamentations, Stasis 2
Byzantine (Antiochian; Romanian); Serbian;Zaitsev
Lamentations; Orthodox Chants of Holy Week
Archangel Voices

Lamentations, Stasis 1
Zaitsev; Byzantine; Hristov; Romanian
Lamentations; Orthodox Chants of Holy Week
Archangel Voices

Kratima (Melismatic Chant: Aneena)
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir

Kratima (Melismatic chant), Tone 1
Anonymous (14th C.)
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Dragoslav Pavle Aksentyevich

Kratima (Melismatic Chant), Tone 1
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Dragoslav Pavle Aksentyevich

Kontakion, Oikos, Synaxarion, "Let us who have beheld …
Byzantine Chant
Choir of the Brethren of the Monastery of Vatopedi on Mt. Athos

Kontakion "Come, Let Us All Sing"
Common Russian Chant
Lamentations; Orthodox Chants of Holy Week
Archangel Voices