O Victorious Leader
Rejoice in God, Our Helper [Raduytesia Bogu]
Children's and Youth Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Laura of Holy Trinity and St. Sergius
Nativity Troparion
Russian "Greek" Chant
Rejoice in God, Our Helper [Raduytesia Bogu]
Children's and Youth Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Laura of Holy Trinity and St. Sergius
Nativity Kontakion
Russian "Greek" Chant
Rejoice in God, Our Helper [Raduytesia Bogu]
Children's and Youth Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Laura of Holy Trinity and St. Sergius
Mercy of Peace
Petar Dinev
Rejoice in God, Our Helper [Raduytesia Bogu]
Children's and Youth Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Laura of Holy Trinity and St. Sergius
Magnification of Nativity
Christ Is Born, Glorify Him! Ancient Russian Chants for Nativity
Sirin Ensemble