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Resurrection! Chants and Hymns of Holy Pascha

Various Composers

Archangel Voices
Vladimir Morosan
Archangel Voices
CD Price: $18.98
MP3 Price: $9.99


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Pascha, the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, is appropriately known as "the Feast of Feasts" in Orthodox Christian tradition. The hymns of Pascha are among the most beautiful and vibrant in the Orthodox musical tradition, filling all who hear them with a profound sense of joy and excitement. This CD strives to capture that joy -- as much as is possible, short of being at an actual service. It assembles some of most inspired hymns of Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy, from both the Slavic and Greek traditions, all vividly and energetically sung in English by an ensemble of professional-level voices. Byzantine, Kievan, Russian "Greek" and znamenny chants, most of them newly arranged and re-composed for the English language, are intermingled with traditional favorites by Bortniansky and Makarov--also adapted into English. As with its previous CDs, the 13-voice Archangel Voices ensemble demonstrates what can be done on a high level of excellence by a relatively small group of voices.--V.M."...This recording takes it “up a notch” and provides something special for almost everyone, given the breadth of chant forms included in this cross-section of Paschal hymnology." Benjamin Williams "...From the transparent melodies of Russian znamenny and Byzantine chant, to opulent 8-voice Baroque sacred concertos, this CD offers a glorious musical feast!" Primarily A Cappella



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Zes, arr., Tikey Come Receive the Light 01:11
2 Alexander Kastalsky, arr. Angels in Heaven 04:16
3 Alexander Nikolsky, arr. Paschal Beginning 04:57
4 Vladimir Morosan and Jessica Suchy-Pilalis, arr. Paschal Canon Ode 1 02:20
5 Vladimir Morosan and Jessica Suchy-Pilalis, arr. Paschal Canon Ode 3 02:19
6 Alexander Nikolsky, arr. Hypakoe “Before the Dawn” 01:21
7 Vladimir Morosan and Jessica Suchy-Pilalis, arr. Paschal Canon Ode 6 02:22
8 Alexander Nikolsky, arr. Kontakion “You descended” and Ikos 02:13
9 Chant Of New Skete We have Seen Christ’s Resurrection 02:53
10 Vladimir Morosan and Jessica Suchy-Pilalis, arr. Paschal Canon Ode 8 02:40
11 Vladimir Morosan, arr. and F. Karam Paschal Canon Ode 9 04:23
12 Vladimir Morosan and W. Obleschuk, arr. Exapostilarion GHP016 GHP015 05:09
13 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Paschal Stichera “Let God Arise” 06:21
14 The Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom 03:50
15 Valaam Chant Grace Shining Forth 01:11
16 Valaam Chant 1st Paschal Antiphon 01:16
17 Petar Dinev, arr. 2nd Paschal Antiphon; Only Begotten Son 02:03
18 James Meena 3rd Paschal Antiphon 01:33
19 Archpriest James C. Meena Christ Is Risen 00:35
20 John Warren Hypakoe of Pascha HNP052 00:51
21 John Warren Kontakion of Pascha HNP053 00:45
22 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Prokeimenon “This is the Day” 01:13
23 Archpriest Sergei Glagolev, arr. Alleluia (Variations on a theme by Verbitsky) 01:49
24 Miliy Balakirev The Angel Cried 01:35
25 Tikey Zes Receive the Body of Christ OMP-Tz001E 02:45
26 Nikolai Dyletskiy Receive the Body of Christ 03:42
27 Dmitry Bortniansky Concerto no. 34, “Let God Arise” OMP-Bo109E 05:07
28 Pavel Makarov The Angel Cried 02:06
29 Ruggieri, arr., Alexander Christ is Risen HNP051 01:01
30 Anonymous (18th c.) Great Prokeimenon “Who is so Great” 03:28
31 Alexander Kastalsky Christ is Risen; Bells of St. Nicholas Church, San Anselmo, California OMP-Ks156mxE 02:09

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