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With the Voice of the Archangel: Orthodox Liturgical Solos, Duets, and Trios

Various Chants and Composers

Archangel Voices
Vladimir Morosan
Archangel Voices
MP3 Price: $9.99


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An all-time favorite - 5th re-pressing of this CD! This CD focuses upon soloistic elements of Orthodox services, drawing upon both the Byzantine and Slavic traditions, but sung exclusively in English. Here is what some listeners have to say: "The CD ... is simply beautiful! I am overwhelmed by the quality and beauty." --A listener in Canada. "Congratulations on a beautiful recording! It is a joy to hear something so beautifully done in English."--A choir director in California "It is so refreshing to hear the mix of traditions-- Slavonic, Byzantine, and now native American composers." --A listener in England.



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Morosan, Tolstiakov, Ruggieri, arr., With the Voice of the Archangel 04:00
2 Carpatho-Russian Chant Let My Prayer Arise 05:53
3 Dmitry Bortniansky Let My Prayer Arise 08:41
4 Byzantine Chant O Taste and See 02:52
5 Archpriest Sergei Glagolev Taste and See 02:27
6 Unison, arr. Morosan, Archangelsky, Thy Bridal Chamber 06:46
7 Froyshov, Simeon (in the style of Byzantine Chant) Hymn of Kassiane 03:33
8 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Today He Who Hung the Earth 02:46
9 Turenkov, Lisitsyn, Staritsky, The Wise Thief 05:15
10 Traditional Prokeimenon; Reading from the Prophecy of Ezekiel; Alleluia 06:14
11 Archpriest Pyotr Turchaninov Arise, O God 04:52
12 Alexander Kastalsky, arr. As Many as Have Been Baptized 02:23
13 Vladimir Morosan, arr. The Lord Awoke 03:09
14 Peter Jermihov, arr. Christ Is Risen 02:26
15 Archpriest Sergei Glagolev You Fell Asleep in the Flesh 01:09
16 Obleschuk; arr. V. Morosan, Walter With Your Disciples Watching 01:21
17 Johann von Gardner, arr. O All-Holy Spirit; The Father Is Light 03:37
18 Carpatho-Russian Chant; Russian 'Greek' Chant Troparion and Kontakion for SS. Peter and Paul 01:36
19 Gardner, Ruggieri arr., Johann von Exaposteilarion for SS. Peter and Paul 03:17
20 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Prokeimenon for SS. Peter and Paul 01:26

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