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Various Composers and Chants

Great and Holy Pascha: The Resurrection of Christ

Vladimir Morosan
Feast Day
English, Spanish, Greek , Church Slavonic
Reg. Price: $59.95 SALE Price: $49.95

This piece is available on the following CDs:

I-070_thumb Resurrection! Chants and Hymns of Holy Pascha


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To see the Table of Contents "Look Inside"     Download the "Christ is risen" for the endings of the Kanon Odes, in G and in D major.

“… a masterful collection of Orthodox musical tradition… a deeply meaningful and powerful contribution toward Orthodox music worshipped in English.”  
—Dr. Jessica Suchy-Pilalis

Over ten years in the making, this 450-page anthology of sheet music from Holy Saturday through Paschal Vespers consists of 82 titles of music from multiple chant traditions, including Znamenny, Kievan, Common Russian (Obikhod), Galician, Carpatho-Russian, Georgian, and Byzantine chants.  The arrangements range from unison chant to choral options and include 2-part, 3-part, and 4-part versions, making this anthology eminently practical for parish choirs of all sizes and levels of ability.  Text options are provided for “hieratic” (Thou/Thy) and modern-day (You/Your) forms of language.

The anthology contains arrangements and compositions by some of the leading Orthodox composers living and working today, including Nicolas Custer, Vladimir Morosan, Walter Obleschuk, Kurt Sander, Jessica Suchy-Pilalis, and Tikey Zes, among others.

The present anthology is the first major compilation of Paschal music to be published in over 40 years.  It is aimed at musically enriching the Paschal celebrations in English-speaking parishes throughout North America and beyond.


Table of Contents

No. Composer Title View PDF Listen
1 Johann Von Gardner Arise, O God Pdf_small
2 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Let All Mortal Flesh (Kievan Chant) Pdf_small
3 Anonymous Resurrectional Troparion, Tone 2 (Greek melody) Pdf_small
4 Tikey Zes Come, Receive the Light Pdf_small
5 Jessica Suchy-Pilalis Come, Receive the Light and Paschal Processional (Byzantine) Pdf_small
6 Anonymous Paschal Processional (Thy Resurrection) (Kievan Chant)-TTBB and SATB Pdf_small
7 Alexander Kastalsky Paschal Processional (Thy Resurrection) Pdf_small
8 Jessica Suchy-Pilalis Paschal Kanon (Byzantine Chant, including Hypakoe, Kontakion, Ikos, and Having Beheld) Pdf_small
9 Vladimir Morosan Paschal Kanon (Russian Greek Chant, 2-part) Pdf_small
10 Vladimir Morosan Paschal Kanon (Russian Greek Chant, 4-part) Pdf_small
11 Vladimir Morosan Paschal Kanon (Abbreviated Russian Greek Chant) Pdf_small
12 Nikolai Bakhmetev Paschal Kanon (Common Russian Chant) Pdf_small
13 Vladimir Morosan Exaposteilarion of Pascha (Bulgarian Chant) Pdf_small
14 Galician Chant Exaposteilarion of Pascha (2 part) Pdf_small
15 Walter Obleschuk, arr. Exaposteilarion of Pascha (Galician Chant, 4 part) Pdf_small
16 Alexander Ruggieri Exaposteilarion of Pascha Pdf_small
17 Kurt Sander Exaposteilarion of Pascha (for womens trio) Pdf_small
18 Jessica Suchy-Pilalis Exaposteilarion of Pascha (Byzantine Chant) Pdf_small
19 Jessica Suchy-Pilalis Praises (Byzantine Chant) Pdf_small
20 Jessica Suchy-Pilalis Paschal Stichera and Doxastichon (Byzantine Chant) Pdf_small
21 Novo-Tikhvinsk Monastery Paschal Stichera (Znamenny Chant No. 1, Novo-Tikhvinsk, 2-part) Pdf_small
22 Vladimir Morosan Paschal Stichera (Znamenny Chant No. 2, abbreviated, 2-part) Pdf_small
23 Vladimir Morosan Paschal Stichera (Znamenny Chant No. 3, 3-part) Pdf_small
24 Vladimir Morosan Paschal Stichera (Znamenny Chant No. 4, 4-part) Pdf_small
25 Vladimir Morosan Paschal Stichera (Znamenny Chant No. 5, 4-part) Pdf_small
26 Alexander Arkhangelsky Paschal Stichera (Znamenny Chant No. 6) Pdf_small
27 Jessica Suchy-Pilalis St. John Chrysostom Apolytikion (Byzantine Chant) Pdf_small
28 Valaam Chant St. John Chrysostom Troparion (Valaam Chant, abbr., 2-part) Pdf_small
29 John Warren Paschal Hours, The Pdf_small
30 Valaam Chant Antiphons of Pascha 1/2 (Valaam Chant, 2-pt.) Pdf_small
31 Johann Von Gardner Antiphons of Pascha 1/2 (Carpatho-Russian) Pdf_small
32 Petar Dinev Only Begotten Son (Bulgarian Chant) Pdf_small
33 Nicolas Craig Custer Troparion of Pascha, 3-part SSA Pdf_small
34 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Troparion of Pascha (Byzantine Chant - English, Greek, Slavonic) Pdf_small
34 Vladimir Morosan Christ Is Risen Pdf_small
34 Vladimir Morosan Christ Is Risen SSA -- Morosan Pdf_small
35 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Troparion of Pascha (Georgian Chant, Svaneti Region) Pdf_small
36 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Troparion of Pascha (Georgian, Anonymous, 3-part) Pdf_small
37 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Troparion of Pascha (Georgian, Anonymous, 4-part) Pdf_small
38 Schoepp, Anne Troparion of Pascha, 3-part SSA Pdf_small
39 Schoepp, Anne Troparion of Pascha, 4-part Pdf_small
40 John Buff Troparion of Pascha (Spanish) Pdf_small
41 Anonymous Troparion of Pascha (Spanish) Pdf_small
42 Nicolas Craig Custer Hypakoe of Pascha, 3-part SSA Pdf_small
43 Nicolas Craig Custer Hypakoe of Pascha, 4-part Pdf_small
44 John Warren Before the Dawn Pdf_small
45 Nicolas Craig Custer Kontakion of Pascha, 3-part SSA Pdf_small
46 Nicolas Craig Custer Kontakion of Pascha, 4-part Pdf_small
47 John Warren Thou Didst Descend Pdf_small
48 Johann Von Gardner As Many as Have Been Baptized (Galician Chant) Pdf_small
49 A. Kastalsky/ V. Morosan As Many as Have Been Baptized (Znamenny Chant) Pdf_small
50 Anonymous Znamenny Chant Prokeimenon of Pascha (Znamenny Chant) Pdf_small
51 Kurt Sander Prokeimenon of Pascha and Alleluia Pdf_small
52 Miliy Balakirev Angel Cried (Valaam Chant) Pdf_small
53 Alexander Nikolsky The Angel Cried Out Pdf_small
53 Roman Hurko Angel Cried Pdf_small
54 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Angel Cried (Byzantine Chant) Pdf_small
55 Nicolas Craig Custer Receive the Body of Christ Pdf_small
56 Nicolas Craig Custer Receive the Body of Christ (Spanish) Pdf_small
57 Soloviev, Dmitry Receive the Body of Christ Pdf_small
58 Walter Stamirowski Receive Ye the Body of Christ Pdf_small
58 Tikey Zes Receive the Body of Christ Pdf_small
59 Kievan Chant Paschal Vespers-Resurrectional Stichera - Tone 2 (Abbreviated Kievan Chant) Pdf_small
60 Lesser Znamenny Chant Who Is So Great a God (Lesser Znamenny Chant) Pdf_small
61 Kievan Chant Paschal Vespers-Stichera Aposticha - Tone 2 (Abbreviated Kievan Chant) Pdf_small
62 Kievan Chant Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ (Kievan Chant) Pdf_small
63 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Litanies for the Paschal Season - various (based upon Bulgarian Chant) Pdf_small
64 Vladimir Morosan Gladsome Light (Kievan Chant, 3-part) Pdf_small
65 Vladimir Morosan Gladsome Light (Kievan Chant, 4-part) Pdf_small
66 Valaam Chant Gladsome Light (Valaam Chant, unison) Pdf_small
67 S.Trubachov/V. Morosan Gladsome Light (Valaam Chant) Pdf_small
68 Fr. Lawrence Margitich, arr And Unto Us (Znamenny Chant) Pdf_small
69 Archpriest Paul Harrilchak, arr. Filled With Gladness (Ukrainian, 2-part and 4-part) Pdf_small
70 Vladimir Morosan, arr. Come, All You People (Serbian, arr. V. Morosan) Pdf_small
71 Vladimir Morosan, arr. What's All the Noise? (Slavic Pascha Carol) Pdf_small