Alexander Arkhangelsky (1846-1924)

ARKHANGELSKY, Aleksandr Andreyevich (b. 11 [23] October 1846, the village of Staroe Tezikovo, in today’s Penza district; d. 16 November 1924, Prague, Czechoslovakia) — received his initial musical education at the Penza Theological Seminary; from childhood sang in the choir of the Archbishop of Penza; later taught singing in the Penza Seminary; in 1872 passed the examination at the Imperial Court Chapel for the title of precentor. From 1873 served as conductor of a number of church choirs in St. Petersburg, among them the choir of Count Sheremetev (1889-1898). In 1880 organized his own choir in St. Petersburg, replacing boys’ voices with women’s; from 1883 toured with this choir in Russia and abroad, performing Russian and Western sacred music, secular choruses and arrangements of folk songs. In 1902 organized the Church Singers’ Benefit Society in St. Petersburg; taught choral singing in various educational institutions, and published choral anthologies. Arkhangelsky made an important contribution to Russian choral and church singing: beginning with simple arrangements of church chants, which included the complete cycle of hymns for the entire year, he later enriched the so-called “St. Petersburg style” of church music with more complex free compositions, many of which are modeled after traditional Western European polyphony. Among his works are over 300 sacred compositions and arrangements of church chants, many of which are published in the form of complete liturgical cycles, (Divine Liturgy, the All-Night Vigil, the Memorial Service, etc.). Arkhangelsky also composed a number of secular choruses a cappella and arrangements of Russian folk songs.
Hnp005_search Alexander Arkhangelsky A Mercy of Peace (No. 4)

Alexander Arkhangelsky




Print Price: $1.25
Digital Price: $1.25

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Ar144_search Alexander Arkhangelsky Blessed Is He Who Considers the Poor
Blazhen razumevayay

Alexander Arkhangelsky

SATB (T solo)

Church Slavonic


Print Price: $4.15
Digital Price: $4.15

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Hnp043_search Alexander Arkhangelsky By the Waters of Babylon

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Znamenny Chant

SATB/B solo



Print Price: $1.25
Digital Price: $1.25

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Hnp038_search Alexander Arkhangelsky Glory to God in the Highest

Alexander Arkhangelsky




Print Price: $1.75
Digital Price: $1.75

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Hnp010_search Alexander Arkhangelsky God Is With Us

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Znamenny Chant




Print Price: $1.25
Digital Price: $1.25

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Ar050_search Alexander Arkhangelsky Have mercy on us, O Lord
Pomiluy nas, Ghospodi

Alexander Arkhangelsky


Church Slavonic


Print Price: $2.50
Digital Price: $2.50

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Ar077_search Alexander Arkhangelsky Lord, Now Lettest Thou (Nunc dimittis)
Nïne otpushchayeshï

Alexander Arkhangelsky


Church Slavonic


Print Price: $2.50
Digital Price: $2.50

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Ghp029_search Alexander Arkhangelsky Paschal Stichera (Znamenny Chant No. 6)

Alexander Arkhangelsky



Digital Price: $1.50

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Hnp004_search Alexander Arkhangelsky Praise the Lord from the Heavens

Alexander Arkhangelsky




Print Price: $1.25
Digital Price: $1.25

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5

Ar079_search Alexander Arkhangelsky Praise the Name of the Lord
Hvalite imia Ghospodne

Alexander Arkhangelsky

SATB (div)

Church Slavonic


Print Price: $2.50
Digital Price: $2.50

Minimum qty. for digital score - 5


Thy Bridal Chamber

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Sing to the Lord a New Song

St. Athanasius Orthodox Church Choir

I-126-web_search Temporarily out of stock.

The Creed

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Russian Sacred Hymns, Folk Songs, and Romances; recordings from 1920-1930

Feodor Shalyapin


Blessed Is He Who Understands...

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Russian Religious Hymns; Recordings from the 1940s-1950s

Ivan Semyenovich Kozlovsky, Tenor

Get the Sheet Music for this track: Ar144 Ar144_thumb

The Cross is the guardian

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Triumph of Russian Orthodoxy; Hymns from the Prayer Service

Choir of the Church of "Joy of All Sorrowful" Icon - Moscow


We have Seen the Resurrection of Christ

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Russian Orthodox Easter (Recordings 1948-1950)

Don Cossacks Choir

D190-web_search Price: $21.98

Blessed is He who considers the poor

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Triumph of Russian Orthodoxy; Hymns from the Prayer Service

Choir of the Church of "Joy of All Sorrowful" Icon - Moscow

Get the Sheet Music for this track: Ar144 Ar144_thumb

Hear My Prayer, O Lord

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Today All Nations Beheld Glorious Things; Selected Hymns from Vigil, Liturgy, and Feasts

Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery


By The Waters Of Babylon

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Sing to the Lord a New Song

St. Athanasius Orthodox Church Choir

I-126-web_search Temporarily out of stock.

I Cried Unto the Lord With My Voice

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Today All Nations Beheld Glorious Things; Selected Hymns from Vigil, Liturgy, and Feasts

Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery


Magnify, O my soul...You are the mystical paradise

Alexander Arkhangelsky

Rejoice! Hymns to the Virgin Mary

St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale