The kings of the earth have assembled
Saint John Koukouzelis
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Dragoslav Pavle Aksentyevich

The Litany of Fervent Supplication
Serbian Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Dragoslav Pavle Aksentyevich

The New Joy Has Come - Carol
Christ Is Born, Glorify Him! Ancient Russian Chants for Nativity
Sirin Ensemble

The Universe, Alleluia (Psalm Verses for the Feast of the Three Hierarchs)
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir

The Whole Creation Was Changed by Fear
Byzantine Chant
Choir of the Brethren of the Monastery of Vatopedi on Mt. Athos

Theophany Stichera at Lity
Byzantine Chant
Choir of the Brethren of the Monastery of Vatopedi on Mt. Athos

Theotokion Dogmatikon
Christmas and Easter Chants of the 16th-17th centuries
Russian Patriarchate Choir