Serbian Polyeleios
Isaiah of Serbia
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Dragoslav Pavle Aksentyevich
Selected Psalm Verses, Tone 8
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir
Gloriae Dei Cantores
Elizabeth Patterson
Paraclete Press
Rejoice, O Virgin, Tone 3 with Melismatic Terirem
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir
Rejoice, O Virgin, Tone 1
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir
Rejoice, O Virgin
Serbian Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Brotherhood Choir of Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel Monastery
Rejoice, O Queen (Ode 9 of the Second Canon for Pentecost)
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir
Rejoice, O Maria, Sticheron at the Aposticha
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir
Refrain and Heirmos of Ode 9 for Meeting of the Lord
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir
Psalm Verses at the Praises
Byzantine Chant
Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek
Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir