William Kraftician, arr.
From My Youth; An American Orthodox Journey
St. John's Girls Octet
Troparia of the Resurrection
Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.3; Boris Ledkovsky: The Vigil
SS. Peter And Paul Choir, Minsk
Byzantine Chant
Life-Giving Wood (Feast of the Elevation of the Cross)
St. Lawrence Orthodox Chorale
Troparion and Kontakion for SS. Peter and Paul
Carpatho-Russian Chant; Russian 'Greek' Chant
With the Voice of the Archangel: Orthodox Liturgical Solos, Duets, and Trios
Archangel Voices
Troparion and Kontakion, Nativity of Christ
Christ is Born - Give Glory! Hymns, Chants, and Carols
Archangel Voices
Troparion Annunciation; "Today is the beginning"
Nazo Zakkak
Panagia; Orthodox Hymns to the Mother of God
Archangel Voices
Troparion of the Resurrection, T.2
Bulgarian Chant
Selections from the Divine Liturgy
The Choir of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church