He That Dwelleth in the Help of the Most High
Male Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery
He Who Clothes Himself In Light as with a Garment...
Akathist to the Divine Passions of Christ (2 CDs)
Male Choir of the Representation Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery
He Who Clothes Himself With Light
Holy Russia: Hymns of Great Lent and Pascha (2 CDs)
Church Choir of "Joy of All the Sorrowful"
Heal Thou My Sickness
God Is With Us (3 Classic CDs in mp3 format)
Choirs of the Holy Trinity-St Sergius Monastery and Moscow Theological Academy
Hear My Prayer, O Lord
Today All Nations Beheld Glorious Things; Selected Hymns from Vigil, Liturgy, and Feasts
Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery
Hearken, O God
Triumph of Russian Orthodoxy; Hymns from the Prayer Service
Choir of the Church of "Joy of All Sorrowful" Icon - Moscow
Hearken, O God
Triumph of Russian Orthodoxy; Hymns from the Prayer Service
Choir of the Church of "Joy of All Sorrowful" Icon - Moscow
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