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Rejoice, O Maria, Sticheron at the Aposticha

Byzantine Chant

Traditions of Byzantine Singing: Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek

Monastery Annunciation of Mother of God Women's Choir


Rejoice, O Life-Giving Cross

Melody Of The Optina Hermitage

By the Waters of Babylon: Hymns of Great Lent

Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery and Moscow Sacred Academy and Seminary


Rejoice, O Isaiah

Ratsko Trbuhovich,

From My Youth; An American Orthodox Journey

St. John's Girls Octet


Rejoice, O Isaiah

Boris Ledkovsky

Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.5

The Domestik Municipal Choir Of Ekaterinburg


Rejoice, O Isaiah

Alexander Kastalsky

Alexander Kastalsky: The Marriage Service and Sacred Works

Domestik Municipal Choir Choir of Ekaterinburg


Rejoice, O Isaiah

Maxime Kovalevsky

Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.10

Ozarenie Chamber Choir of the Moscow Musical Society


Rejoice, New Jerusalem (Paschal Carol)

Anonymous Paraliturgical Hymn

Celebrate, O New Jerusalem: Paschal Hymns

Sunday School Choir of the Moscow Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery


Rejoice O Virgin

Deacon Sergiy Trubachov

O Fervent Intercessor: Hymns to the Mother of God

Joint Choir of Trinity St. Sergius Monastery and Moscow Sacred Academy and Seminary


Rejoice in the Lord, O Ye Righteous

Viktor Davydenko

With the Voice of the Archangel

Credo Chamber Choir


Refrains. Give Rest, O Lord

Pavel Chesnokov

Pavel Chesnokov: Panikhida 2

Domestik Municipal Choir Choir of Ekaterinburg