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Antiphon 5: The disciple agreed upon the price of the Master (Tone 6)

Today He Is Hung Upon the Cross - Matins of Holy and Great Friday (CD 1 of 4)

Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow


Antiphon 6: Today Judas watches how he may deliver up the Lord (Tone 7)

Today He Is Hung Upon the Cross - Matins of Holy and Great Friday (CD 1 of 4)

Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow


Antiphon 7: While permitting the transgressors to arrest Thee, O Lord (Tone 8)

Today He Is Hung Upon the Cross - Matins of Holy and Great Friday (CD 2 of 4)

Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow


Antiphon 8: O ye, transgressors, tell us what ye heard from our Saviour? (Tone 2)

Today He Is Hung Upon the Cross - Matins of Holy and Great Friday (CD 2 of 4)

Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow


Antiphon 9: They took the thirty pieces of silver (Tone three)

Today He Is Hung Upon the Cross - Matins of Holy and Great Friday (CD 2 of 4)

Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in Moscow


Antiphon XV - Today He who hung the earth

Byzantine Chant Tone 6


St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale


Antiphon XV; Great and Holy Friday Matins

Deacon Sergiy Trubachov

Lamentations; Orthodox Chants of Holy Week

Archangel Voices


Antiphons; Only Begotten Son, Beatitudes

As One Who Excelled in Virtues: Hymns of Pentecost and St. Sergius

Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery and Moscow Sacred Academy and Seminary



Bulgarian Chant

We Have Seen the True Light

Male Choir of the Representation Church of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery


Aposticha - Hail, O life bearing cross

Model Melody

Life-Giving Wood (Feast of the Elevation of the Cross)

St. Lawrence Orthodox Chorale