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Panagia; Orthodox Hymns to the Mother of God

Various Composers

Archangel Voices
Vladimir Morosan
Archangel Voices
Reg. CD Price: $18.98 SALE CD Price: $8.95
MP3 Price: $9.99


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The repertoire on this CD reflects the "ever-presence" of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (Panagia) in Orthodox hymnography. Out of the vast range of possibilities, Archangel Voices has selected a mix between works that are familiar and traditional and those that reveal new vistas of the sacred repertoire. A number of works—by such Russian masters as Chesnokov, Kastalsky, Nikolsky, and Yaichkov—are appearing for the first time in English adaptations. Works by relatively unknown 20th-century composers such as Ilyashenko and Cecil A. Bailey are brought to light for the first time. Works by modern-day Orthodox composers from North America—Archpriest Paul Harrilchak, Vladimir Morosan, Kurt Sander, Benedict Sheehan, Richard Toensing, and Nazo Zakkak—round out the program. 



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Dmitry Yaichkov It Is Truly Fitting (arr. of Bulgarian Chant) OMP-V1-77E 2:34
2 Pavel Chesnokov O Most Holy Theotokos OMP-Cn251E 3:13
3 Alexander Kastalsky Open unto Us the Doors 3:51
4 Kurt Sander Virgin Theotokos, Rejoice OMP-Sa002 3:04
5 Pavel Chesnokov General Canon to the Theotokos, Odes, 1,2,6,9 3:44
6 Pavel Chesnokov My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord OMP-Cn223E 5:13
7 Model Melody "O Most Glorious Wonder" Praises: Nativity of the Theotokos, Sticheron 1 1:08
8 Model Melody "O Most Glorious Wonder" Praises: Nativity of the Theotokos, Sticheron 2 0:59
9 Nazo Zakkak Praises: Nativity of the Theotokos, Sticheron 3 1:06
10 Model Melody "Joy Of The Heavenly Host" Praises: Entrance of the Theotokos, Tone 1 3:13
11 Vladimir Morosan Communion Hymn; I will Receive the Cup of Salvation 3:33
12 Nazo Zakkak Verses of the 9th Ode for the Meeting of the Lord (arr. from traditional Byzantine melody) 3:30
13 Nazo Zakkak Troparion Annunciation; "Today is the beginning" 1:53
14 Dmitry Bortniansky Magnification for the Annunciation, "With the Voice" 1:33
15 Andrei Ilyashenko Exaposteilarion for the Annunciation, "The Mystery of God" OMP-Il002E 1:34
16 Pavel Chesnokov O Victorious Leader (arr. of Kievan Chant) OMP-Cn267E 2:14
17 Moscow Melody Akathist Hymn, Ikos 1 and kontakion 2:40
18 Richard Toensing Awed By the Beauty (arr. of Byzantine Chant) 2:25
19 Kurt Sander All of Creation OMP-Sa001 3:32
20 Alexander Nikolsky The Angel Cried (arr. of Russian "Greek" Chant) OMP-Ni083E 1:47
21 Vladimir Morosan Rejoice, O Queen (Pentecost) arr. of Znamenny Chant 1:26
22 Model Melody "O Marvelous Wonder" Lord, I Have Cried: Dormition Stichera Tone 1 3:24
23 Kievan Monastery of the Caves (Kievo-Pechersk) Melody Exaposteilarion for Dormition, "Apostles Assembled" 1:39
24 Grigory Lvovsky Exaposteilarion for Dormition, "Apostles Assembled" (arr. of Kievan Caves Chant) HNP056 1:45
25 Dmitry Bortniansky Beneath Your Compassion 2:24
26 Monastery Melody My Queen Most Blessed 3:21
27 Nazo Zakkak I Have Thee as a Fountain (from the Paraklesis Canon) 2:11
28 Cecil A Bailey We Have No Other Help 1:43
29 Georgian Traditional Hymn O Vineyard, Fair and New OMP-RBS004 4:26
30 Archpriest Paul Harrilchak, arr. We Learn From the Angel (arr. Galician Carol) 2:44

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