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Lamentations; Orthodox Chants of Holy Week

Archangel Voices
Vladimir Morosan
Archangel Voices
MP3 Price: $9.99


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The best-loved hymns of Holy Week, drawing from Byzantine, (Greek, Antiochian, and Romanian traditions), Serbian, Russian, and Bulgarian repertories, are sung by a professional-level ensemble in the glorious acoustics of St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church in Orange. Connecticut. Listeners say: "...[the singers] launched out into deep waters of choral beauty that I have really never heard. It was really stunning!" "This project took my breath away!" "...beautiful blend and unified ensemble on a high level of artistry."



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Anonymous, arr. Alleluia...Behold the Bridegroom 04:01
2 Byzantine Chant (ed. A. Khalil, V. Morosan) Alleluia...Behold the Bridegroom 02:45
3 Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Alleluia...Behold the Bridegroom OMP-Ri012E 03:24
4 Alex Khalil, arr. Exaposteilarion: "Thy Bridal Chamber" 02:06
5 Klimov/Lebedev, arr., Come, O Faithful 01:10
6 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Antiphon XV; Great and Holy Friday Matins 03:44
7 Common Russian Chant Kontakion "Come, Let Us All Sing" 01:50
8 Maia Aprahamian Exaposteilarion: "The Wise Thief" 01:52
9 Maia Aprahamian Exaposteilarion: "The Wise Thief" 02:10
10 Alexander Kastalsky Exaposteilarion: "The Wise Thief" 02:07
11 Optina Hermitage Melody (Automelon) Holy Friday Aposticha 04:24
12 Helen Benigsen, arr. Holy Friday Aposticha, Doxastichon 04:15
13 Byzantine Chant (Modern Greek Harmonization) The Noble Joseph; When Thou Didst Descend; The Angel Came 02:51
14 Zaitsev; Byzantine; Hristov; Romanian Lamentations, Stasis 1 05:55
15 Byzantine (Antiochian; Romanian); Serbian;Zaitsev Lamentations, Stasis 2 07:32
16 Byzantine (Antiochian; Romanian; Greek) Lamentations, Stasis 3 06:10
17 Peloponnesios, Petros Resurrectional Troparia (Evlogetaria) 06:40
18 Lesser Znamenny Chant Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 1 01:12
19 Lesser Znamenny Chant Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 3 01:17
20 Lesser Znamenny Chant Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 5 01:24
21 Lesser Znamenny Chant Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 8 01:26
22 Lesser Znamenny Chant Canon of Holy Saturday, Ode 9 02:58
23 Bulgarian Chant The Noble Joseph 02:52
24 Dmitry Bortniansky Come, Let Us Bless Joseph 03:34

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