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Life-Giving Wood (Feast of the Elevation of the Cross)

St. Lawrence Orthodox Chorale
Alice Hughes; Anne Schoepp
Seraphim Six
MP3 Price: $9.99


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This CD features 28 tracks, taken from Vespers, Matins, and Divine Liturgy of the great feast of the Elevation (or Exaltation) of the Holy Cross. All the selections are sung in English, but they draw upon a broad variety of traditional Orthodox melodies and hymn styles, ranging from Byzantine and Carpatho-Rusyn chant, to Russian-style harmonizations; several new compositions by American Orthodox composers are also included. Especially prominent are numerous "pattern melodies" (prosomoia, podobny) that greatly enrich the hymnography of this feast. As the musical directors of this CD have clearly recognized, much of the Orthodox Church's musical and hymnographic richness lies in the music of the feasts. This CD will not only provide an enjoyable spiritual listening experience, but will serve to broaden the horizons of musical repertoire.



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Model Melody "Having Set All Your Hope" Stichera - The Cross is raised on high 05:11
2 Bulgarian Chant Litya - The tree of true life 02:42
3 Model Melody Aposticha - Hail, O life bearing cross 04:51
4 Greek Chant God is the Lord; Troparion 03:02
5 Chant Of New Skete We bow low 02:33
6 Kievan Chant No sooner was the wood 00:50
7 Nikolai Bakhmetev Magnification 01:31
8 Model Melody "That Which Was Commanded" In times past 01:49
9 Znamenny Chant Prokeimenon 00:57
10 Kievan Chant O Cross of Christ 01:34
11 Kievan Chant Canon Ode 1 and 3 04:42
12 Model Melody "That Which Was Commanded" In paradise of old 01:47
13 Kievan Chant Canon Ode 4,5,6 01:15
14 Byzantine Chant Kontakion, Oikos 01:58
15 Kievan Chant Canon Ode 7, 8, 9 02:20
16 Johann von Gardner, arr. Exapostilarion; The Cross is the guardian 01:49
17 Model Melody Exapostilarion Today the Cross is exalted 01:09
18 Model Melody Stichara at the Praises 04:29
19 Grigory Lvovsky Lord, have mercy 02:03
20 Nikolai Bakhmetev Before Your Cross 01:50
21 Model Melody Stichera for the Veneration 02:43
22 Znamenny Chant First Antiphon 01:42
23 Znamenny Chant Second Antiphon 01:39
24 Byzantine Chant Troparion 01:47
25 James Meena, arr. Before Your Cross 01:57
26 Fredrick Karam Megalynarion 01:10
27 Schoepp, Anne Koinonikon; The Light of Your Countenance 02:35
28 Vladimir Morosan Koinonikon for Friday; God is Our King 01:32

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