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O, Land of Russia (2 CDs)

Male Choir of the Moscow Representation
Vladimir Gorbik
Moscow Representation of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery
MP3 Price: $15.99


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This is a remarkable 2-CD set, never before available in the US, featuring the superb artistry of Vladimir Gorbik and the Choir of the Moscow Represenation (Metochion) Church of the Holy Trinity-St Sergius Monastery. Recorded live in concert, the performance is as smooth and flawless as the most intricately edited studio recording: every nuance, every shading, every subtlety possible is finely executed here, all within the bounds of a churchly and reverent style. The choice of repertoire is as striking as the choral execution: the first CD presents a stylistically unified array of chant arrangements from the All-Night Vigil by the late Archimandrite Matfey (Mormyl’) and Alexander Kastalsky, the Moscow Synodal School master who inspired him. The second CD is likewise unified, comprised entirely of works by Dcn. Sergius Trubachov (1919-1995), one of the most creative and prolific composers of Russian Orthodox church music in the late 20th century. The slim booklet is in Russian only; titles are given in both Russian and English.  This double CD is a “must-have” for all serious lovers of Russian sacred choral music and men’s choirs.--V.M.



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
101 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl Bless The Lord, O My Soul 04:59
102 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl Blessed Is The Man 04:52
103 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl O Gladsome Light 03:13
104 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl The Lord Is King 01:55
105 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl Vouchsafe O Lord 02:52
106 Alexander Kastalsky Lord, Now Lettest Thou 02:14
107 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl Hail, Theotokos Virgin 02:00
108 Alexander Kastalsky Lesser Doxology 02:53
109 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl Praise Ye The Name Of The Lord 03:40
110 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl The Company Of Angels 06:04
111 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl From My Youth Up 02:43
112 Alexander Kastalsky Great Doxology 07:15
201 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov O Only Begotten Son 02:56
202 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov O Come Let Us Worship 01:29
203 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Thrice-Holy Hymn 02:08
204 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Cherubic Hymn 06:34
205 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov From The Eucharistic Canon 05:37
206 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov It Is Meet 02:19
207 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Praise The Lord From The Heaven 02:05
208 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov O, Thine Sweet Voice 02:39
209 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Be Of Good Courage Thou Church Of Christ 05:33
210 Deacon Sergiy Trubachov Brethren Have This Mind Among Yourselves 05:28
211 Archimandrite Matfey Mormyl O Land Of Russia 03:04

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