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Alexander Kastalsky: The Marriage Service and Sacred Works

Alexander Kastalsky

Domestik Municipal Choir of Ekaterinburg
Valery Kopanev
MP3 Price: $9.99


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Only two Russian Orthodox composers have set the full wedding service to music--Kastalsky and his Moscow Synodal School colleague, Alexander Nikolsky. In this landmark recording, the extraordinary Domestik Choir, one of the finest professional choirs in Russia today, presents Kastalsky's music in all its exquisite beauty and subtlety. Contemporaries referred to Kastalsky as a "Russian Palestrina" and hailed him as the developer of a new style in Russian liturgical choral music. Indeed, his works may not offer the same "immediate gratification" as those of, say, Chesnokov or Gretchaninoff, but this recording masterfully demonstrates the riches and depths they hold for those willing to make the effort to explore them. Notes and titles are in Russian and English; no text translations are given.--V.M. 


No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Alexander Kastalsky Greeting of the Groom 7:17
2 Alexander Kastalsky Greeting of the Bride 5:26
3 Alexander Kastalsky Glory to Thee 0:49
4 Alexander Kastalsky Great Litany 5:49
5 Alexander Kastalsky First Crowing Prayer 2:10
6 Alexander Kastalsky Prokeimenon 1:37
7 Alexander Kastalsky Epistle Reading 3:45
8 Alexander Kastalsky Gospel Reading 2:41
9 Alexander Kastalsky Litany 1:56
10 Alexander Kastalsky Prayer 1:13
11 Alexander Kastalsky Augmented Litany 2:33
12 Alexander Kastalsky Our Father 4:28
13 Alexander Kastalsky Rejoice, O Isaiah 3:33
14 Alexander Kastalsky Dismissal 1:57
15 Alexander Kastalsky Many Years 4:02
16 Alexander Kastalsky A Mercy of Peace 6:34
17 Alexander Kastalsky St. Simeon's Prayer 3:15
18 Alexander Kastalsky The Creed, No. 1 3:29

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MP3 Price: $9.99