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Chants of the Russian Emigres; v.3; Boris Ledkovsky: The Vigil

Boris Ledkovsky

SS. Peter & Paul Choir of Minsk, Belarus
Irina Denisova
Russkiy Pastyr
MP3 Price: $9.99


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This CD is third in a remarkable series of recordings that bring the sacred liturgical music of the Russian emigration back to its homeland, so to speak: fine church choirs in Russia and other neighboring republics (in this instance, Belarus) bring to life music that in some instances was only conceived in the composers’ minds. This recording focuses exclusively on the chant arrangements of Boris Ledkovsky (1894-1975), long-time conductor of the Synod Cathedral Choir in New York City and Professor of Liturgical Music at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and demonstrates the extent to which this Russian emigre composer continued the hallowed traditions initiated at the Moscow Synodal School by such luminaries as Kastalsky, Smolensky, and Chesnokov. The first volume of this series quickly sold out, indicating the popularity of these recordings.--V. M.



No. Composer Title Sheet Music Time Buy
1 Boris Ledkovsky Bless the Lord, O my soul 3:25
2 Boris Ledkovsky Blessed is the man 3:24
3 Boris Ledkovsky Lord, I have cried unto Thee, Tone 4 3:03
4 Boris Ledkovsky O Gentle Light 2:27
5 Boris Ledkovsky Vespers Prokeimenon, Tone 6 1:47
6 Boris Ledkovsky St. Simeon's Prayer 1:35
7 Boris Ledkovsky Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos 0:57
8 Boris Ledkovsky God is the Lord, Tone 3 4:14
9 Boris Ledkovsky Praise ye the name of the Lord 3:02
10 Boris Ledkovsky Troparia of the Resurrection 5:16
11 Boris Ledkovsky Matins Prokeimenon,Tone 1 2:33
12 Boris Ledkovsky Having beheld the Resurrection 1:38
13 Boris Ledkovsky Post Gospel Stichera 2:10
14 Boris Ledkovsky Irmoi for Theotokion feasts, Tone 6 - odes 1,3,6,8.9 3:15
15 Boris Ledkovsky Magnificat 4:34
16 Boris Ledkovsky Holy is the Lord our God, Tone 2 0:56
17 Boris Ledkovsky Great Doxology 6:08
18 Boris Ledkovsky Resurrectional Troparion - Today salvation... 0:55
19 Boris Ledkovsky Resurrectional Troparion "Having Risen From The Tomb", Znamenny Chant 1:27
20 Boris Ledkovsky To Thee The Champion Leader, Lesser Znamenny Chant 1:10

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