Pavel Vorotnikov (1804-1876)

VOROTNIKOV, Pavel Maksimovich (b. 1804, Revel, today Tallin, Estonia; d. 23 April [5 May] 1876, Moscow) — was self-taught in music, served in the military, and upon retirement, from 1843 to 1848, was a teacher of singing in the Imperial Court Chapel. Collaborated with A. F. Lvov on the compilation of the Court Obikhod [Common Book] and the harmonization of unison chants. In the 1850s and 1860s lived in Elizavetgrad and Moscow, where he taught music, composed secular music, collected and arranged folk songs.
Vorotnikov’s sacred musical works are not numerous: 13 compositions published by P. Jurgenson. Although Vorotnikov was not an outstanding composer, he was one of the few whose works were allowed by the censorship of the Imperial Court Chapel at the time of Bakhmetev, and for that reason became widely known. The style of Vorotnikov’s sacred works may be characterized as Romantic, employing elements of sentimentalism and dramatism to express the text.

The Wise Thief...
Russian Religious Hymns; Recordings from the 1940s-1950s
Ivan Semyenovich Kozlovsky, Tenor