Stepan Degtiaryov (1766-1813)

DEGTIARYOV (Dekhterev, Degtiaryovsky), Stepan Anikievich (b. 1766, the village Borisovka, in today’s Kursk district; d. 23 April [5 May] 1813, in today’s Kursk region)— was a serf of Count Sheremetev, in whose choir he sang from childhood; attended Moscow University, studied composition with A. Sapienza and G. Sarti; travelled to Italy to complete his musical education; for several years headed Count Sheremetev’s chorus and orchestra. From 1803, after receiving his freedom, lived in Moscow; later served one of the nobles in the Kursk district.
Degtiaryov’s compositional activity includes both sacred and secular music; his most famous secular work is the oratorio Minin i Pozharsky, composed in 1811 on the eve of the Patriotic War of 1812. Degtiaryov’s sacred works were not published during his lifetime, but began appearing in the early the 20th c., primarily in various anthologies published by P. Kireyev, and in the editions of the journal Muzïka i penie. In terms of quality, they are uneven; in some instances one has to question their attribution. The sacred works attributed to Degtiaryov include approx. 40 concertos and 16 hymns from Divine Liturgy, All-Night Vigil, the Wedding Service, and various festal services. Since they are strongly influenced by Italian music, they are considered by many critics to be inappropriate for the liturgy, despite their popularity.

All the Nations Have Seen Glorious Things
Today All Nations Beheld Glorious Things; Selected Hymns from Vigil, Liturgy, and Feasts
Choir of Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery